Blog Entries - wallpaper

To Wallpaper or Not to Wallpaper?
The concept of using wallpaper can seem outdated or remind us of childhood memories we may want to forget, but using wallpaper and wallcoverings is still a great option today. Picking which walls to wallpaper, which

First Impressions Matter
You don’t need a large foyer to have a great entryway in your home. Even the smallest of entryways can make an impact. Here are 5 ways to make a lasting impression as you walk in your front door. 1.Clear The

Designing Commercial Space Interiors with Purpose
When we talk about the interior design of commercial spaces, our focus is on efficient flow design that creates a balanced, engaging experience for the guest. Below are a few helpful tips if you are running your

New Year, New Trends!
New Year, new vibes, and for sure new trends that are coming in 2019. In the first blog of the year, we will explore some interior design updates and share all of the details! Agate Wallpaper Yes, wallpaper is still

Your Laundry Room… Not a Typical Room!
In the past, your laundry room was just a simple room… However, today it is as important as any other room. From floor to ceiling, you need to emphasize a style and create space efficiency and functionality. In this

The Wave of Wallpapers is Making a Comeback!
Wallpapers are slowly making a comeback into interior design trends for 2018. The resurgence of modern wallpapers brings new ideas to highlight your personal style in dramatic ways without breaking the bank. Isn’t